1.3 Multi Shot Cake Boxes
25 shot Red, Blue, & T.I.T.salutes
1 pc
64 shot ass’t color tails to salutes
1 pc
9 shot Red, White, Blue tails to salutes
2 pcs
280 shot fan shaped 3 time whistle & T.I.T. salute w/color tail .75 - 1.25”
1 pc
180 shot color tail & thunder (Gatling Gun) ass’t color tail & thunder (zipper cake)
1 pc
104 shot Poisonous Spider (straight) color stars, whistling, whistle tails 1.5”
1 pc
3” finale timed chain ass’t color w/tails (4 second delay between shells) 2 sets of each Chain #1 Red peony, yellow to purple peony, green crossette, blue crossette, golden peony to purple peony, green crossette, blue crossette, golden peony, silver spider, purple peony, red & blue peony, red & green peony & red to yellow peony. Chain #2 Golden flashing white flashing, silver to purple peony, golden wave to silver, blue peony w/coconut pistil, time rain, coconut tree, colors dahlia, silver willow, silver wave to green & silver wave to blue. Chain #3 yellow to gold crackling chrysanthemum flower, purple to gold crackling chrysanthemum flower, silver crackling stars, dragon eggs, red ball, green ball, blue peony w/coconut pistil, brocade yellow, brocade crown & diadem chrysanthemumw/coconut tree core
60 pcs
3” sunny ass’t w/tails(A) 18/2 Blue tip w/crackling willow w/red tail, gold strobe to green & blue peony, w/greentail, green & purple glitter w/silver tail, Kamuro w/red tip w/tail, lemon peony w/red & green tip w/silver coconut w/gold tail, super gold brocade to red & green tip w/silver coconut w/gold tail, super gold brocade to red w/silver variegated color w/silver tail, white strobe chrysanthemum & blue w/glittered tail, yellow peony w/green palm w/silver tail, white glitter &blue w/silver tail, lemon to red glitter w/green tail, purple crackling dahlia w/silver tail, orange to popping flower w/silver tail, gold palm tree w/gold tail, blue to fushia peony w/silover tail, red tip w/silver strobe willow w/red tail
36 pcs
3"Sunny Asst w/Tails (B) 18/2 Orange to Glitter Peony w/Silver Tail, White Strobe Flitter & Red w/Red Tail, Green Stobe Flitter & Purple w/Green Tail, Yellow Flitter & Blue w/Red Tail, Lemon & Purple Peony w/Lemon Tail, Red Magic Ring w/ Red Tail, Red to White Strobe w/Red Tail, Purple & Blue Peony w/Glitter Tail, Silver Glitter w/Silver Tail, Green to Crackling Flower w/Tail, Variegated Color w/Silver Tail, Blue to Popping Flower w/Silver Tail, Silver Palm to Red Strobe w/Silver Tail, Silver to Red Peony w/Silver Tail, Red Peony w/Red Tail, Lemon to Red Glitter w/Green Tail, Kamuro w/ Red Tip w/Silver Tail, Silver Coconut w/Red & Blue Tip w/Silver Tail.
36 pcs
4"Sunny ass’t color shells w/tails (B) 18/2 blue peony to silver strobe, purple to popping flower, red to blue peony w/silver palm core w/TI, red tip w/cracking TI w/TI, purple dahlia blue to twinkling kamuro w/TI red glitter w/big silver palm w/TI, red chrysanthemum, w/silver palm w/TI, green & purple dahlia w/TI, variegated color w/TI, glitter silver to red chrysanthemum, green strobe willow & purple w/TI variegated peony, silver palm ring w/red & green tip, gold strobe to green w/TI, red green palm, purple glitter to silver strobe w/TI
36 pcs
4” sunny ass’t color shells w/tails (C) 18/2 red glitter w/tail, green to popping flower, orange glitter TI, w/TI, purple to kamuro, white twinkling w/TI red to silver strobe, purple TI peony w/TI, sky blue peony w/TI, golden wave to blue chrysanthemum, blue to purple palm w/TI, silver popping flower, green to gold strobe w/TI, purple to gold brocade, w/tail, yellow wave to crackling spider w/TI, purple saturn w/glitter, silver to red circle, variegated color w/TI, yellow to green strobe w/TI, red to popping flower orange dahlia
36 pcs
4” Shenma ass’t shells (D) 18/2 brocade palm, gold strobe dahlia, colorful dahlia, colorful epony w/shite strobe pistil, green dahlia, crackling brocade crown, yellow dahlia, red wave swimming star, time rain crossette, red cycas tree, blue dark silver, sea blue peony, pink peony, purple to yellow, gold crackling willow, green falling leaves, gold strobe tiger tail, colorful peony w/coconut pistil
36 pcs
4” ass’t color cylinder shell red to crackling, red to green peonym, red to silver peony, variegated spider, golden wave to blue to red, variegated chrysanthemum, silver butterfly fish, green fish, golden fish, red ring w/coco pistil, color scatter, red scatter, blue to silver crossette, green falling leaves, red wave to silver, purple flower rain, silver wave to red
4” ass’t colors - peonies & chrysanthemums Jaeton China
5” ass’t colors - peonies & chrysanthemums Liuyang China
SUN-6-16AS 106 RWB
6” sunny ass’t R,W,B w/tails
9 pcs
8” color shells
10” color shells
12” color shells out of stock
Titanium Reports
3” Ex-heavy titanium report w/tails (import) Italian style cylinder
$10.00 each
$360.00 case
3” Ex-heavy finale string titanium report 3/10
30 pcs
$10.00 each.
$300.00 case
4” Titanium Report w/tail Ex-heavy
$15.00 each
$540.00 case
5” Titanium Report w/tail Ex heavy
$28.00 each
$672.00 case
3” Peanut Shells(Far Ocean)
$ 10.00 each
3” Peanut shell chained (Lidu)
$ 11.00 each
3” color cylinder shells
$ 12.00 each
4” 3 time (stage) salutes
$ 20.00 each
4” 5 stage salutes
$ 24.00 each
5” color cylinders shells serpents, thunder, whistle
$ 20.00 each
5” multi-salutes
$ 24.00 each
5” five time report w/tail
$ 30.00 each
5” mixed patterns-five pointed stars
$ 20.00 each
5” mixed patterns
$ 20.00 each
27” Wheels
$ 75.00 case
Giant 3ft 3” shell rockets
$ 60.00 case
Quick Match fuse
60 ft bundle
$ 20.00 each
Sticky Match (self adhesive igniter fuse)
60 ft roll
$ 25.00 each
All wholesale customers must fill out a resale certificate or pay PA sales tax.
Just print out a copy and mail or fax it to us. Please call first. We are limited as to where we can ship
We also display fireworks. Call or write for a quote on fireworks shows.
Call for distributor price list.
We accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover. Prices are subject to change without notice.
You must be at least 18 years old to purchase class C(1.4) fireworks and at least 21 to purchase class B(1.3) fireworks. Sales of class B(1.3) fireworks requires a federal permit.
DISCLAIMER: Our merchandise is sold solely upon the representation that it will be used strictly in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable at the point of destination. We will not violate any state or federal laws. Dyberry Fireworks Inc. will not assume liability for any injury during use, handling, storage, transporting or sale of this merchandise. This merchandise must be removed from the state by the out of state purchaser.